The Coronavirus and Your Injury Case
In one way or another, the COVID-19 outbreak has affected every…

Dog Bites: Important Issues You Should Know About
Some unique legal and insurance issues arise in cases involving…

A Lawyer Who Returns My Calls
Our clients sometimes tell us how surprised they are that we…

Beware the No-fault Deductible
As more and more people buy their auto insurance online, they…

When Medical Payments Coverage Is a Scam
For insurance companies, the ideal product is an insurance coverage…

From the Boston Globe: Survey Shows Medical Errors Are Widespread, Costly
A recent article in the Boston Globe shows that medical malpractice…

Do I Need a Lawyer?
When people call our office after an accident, one of the first…

When Can I Settle My Injury Case?
Understandably, many clients want to know how quickly they can…

What Is My Injury Case Worth?
When we meet with accident victims, there is one question that…